by ~jenniferlynn on January 9, 2014
in CrossFit
The Sunday before Thanksgiving I was doing an extra workout to prep for an upcoming partner competition. The last workout of the day was simple: eight minutes to establish a max weight that the female partner could squat clean, followed by the male partner squat-snatching that same weight. I had never maxed my squat clean […]
by ~jenniferlynn on November 19, 2013
in CrossFit
I am an emotional being… ..which has turned me into an even more emotional athlete. I have had countless runs that are full of tears. I have stressed myself out crazy in WODs to the point I think I have self-induced panic attacks, working myself up to the point that I not only cry but […]
by ~jenniferlynn on November 15, 2013
in CrossFit
I have seen a lot of response to the article that has been looming for the past couple months on the dangers of Crossfit, but after two more people this week have sent me the controversial article, I needed to vent a little. The reason Crossfit is dangerous is because of the athletes that do […]
by ~jenniferlynn on November 11, 2013
in CrossFit
I have an issue with comparing myself to others. I think it spawns from growing up with a need to be the best. I never had an ounce of athletic ability in grade school or high school, but man, was I smart. I would be that girl who didn’t have to study to get straight […]
I had this post drafted in my head before I even went to workout today. I was going to title it, “What a Difference Seven Months Makes,” or “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger,” or something along those lines. The post would start with me bragging about how much progress I have made in the past year […]
Maybe because I am not feeling as “aesthetically fit” as I was a month or two ago, I am becoming a bit more judgmental on how women are choosing to boast progress in their fitness. While I’m usually the last person to have haters, I posted a comment in a female-focused lifting group on Facebook […]
For some people, working out is therapeutic, and for the most part I am right there with them, with full on endorphins flying during workouts and leaving the gym, feeling stronger, empowered, and confident. When that doesn’t work, I like to write. Writing for me is a way to let go of thoughts that working […]
After I finished my individual Crossfit competition this year, my Grandma asked me if I was done with Crossfit now. As if the competition marked the end of the season or end of my training. To me it was a silly question to which I replied, “It never ends…” I feel Crossfit is one of […]
Like most women who have been doing the lifting weights thing for a while, my body has been continuously transforming. I have been purging my closet seasonally, sadly packing up all of my XS cardigans that I have She-Hulked my way out of, and sending all of my jeans and work pants that no longer fit […]
by ~jenniferlynn on September 10, 2013
in CrossFit
By the third time competing you would think I’d be an expert at the whole competition experience, right? Nope, still same amount of preparation needed (mentally and physically), same amount of nerves, same amount of excitement! On 9/7/13, our box hosted a team competition, priding itself in the largest competition in the region with around […]