
Crossfit Mobility- Hips and Shoulders

by ~jenniferlynn on September 9, 2013

in CrossFit, Guest Posts

Sharing tips for Crossfit mobility for hips and shoulders, Lisa of Fabulous in Fayetteville is guest-blogging today on injury prevention techniques. This super strong chickie has had her share of injuries in the past, so is excited to share what she has learned along the way with my readers. You can read more about her Crossfit experiences over […]

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And the ride continues..

by ~jenniferlynn on September 3, 2013

in CrossFit, Running

Crossfit is an emotional rollercoaster, and I believe that between my drive to be a better overall athlete and my bucket list goal to complete a half marathon, I will be riding the coaster for quite a bit longer. Prior to my competition last Saturday, my prior two Saturdays started off with miserable training runs, […]

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Motor City Crossfit Competition: Never satisfied..

by ~jenniferlynn on August 25, 2013

in CrossFit

From my recent post about reasons why you should compete in a Crossfit Competition, one of my top selling points is that you find out that you are capable of doing things that you never thought you were able to do before. For me, the adrenaline and the competition atmosphere is so overwhelming in the […]

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8 Reasons You Should Compete in a Crossfit Competition

by ~jenniferlynn on August 12, 2013

in CrossFit

With an individual Crossfit competition and a team Crossfit competition coming up within the next month, I am trying to balance my kinda-half-marathon-training with extra competition training. It may not be that obvious (ha) but my heart is really in one place..

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The RX that almost wasn’t

by ~jenniferlynn on July 18, 2013

in CrossFit

I will be the first person to scold others at the box for not taking proper rest days. I have historically done no more than two, maybe three, days in a row of Crossfit, usually taking off every Wednesday or Thursday and Sunday. I know rest and recovery is just as important as the workouts […]

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Emotional Roller Coaster Part 2: “Angie”

by ~jenniferlynn on July 10, 2013

in CrossFit

For every action, there is an opposite, but equal, reaction. What goes up must come down. The only way to go from here is up. So many cliché phrases that can ride the emotional roller coaster of Crossfit. Last week, my grueling attempt at “The Seven” left me hurt mentally and physically, but for my […]

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Emotional Roller Coaster Part 1: “The Seven”

by ~jenniferlynn on July 10, 2013

in CrossFit

I can equate Crossfit to so many things that have nothing to with it just being a workout. It is so much more than that. Some may call it a cult, a sport, a lifestyle. But for me, this week’s definition: an emotional roller coaster.

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2 miles and 600 reps later..

by ~jenniferlynn on May 28, 2013

in CrossFit

Along with many other boxes across the country, my box chose to do the Memorial Day “Murph” WOD on Monday, in “memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on […]

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Comparison is still stealing my joy..

by ~jenniferlynn on May 23, 2013

in CrossFit

For as many posts as I have about how amazing and wonderful Crossfit is, I feel I am starting to add just as many about some adverse effects, like injuries and demotivation. Either way, I still think Crossfit is the best thing ever. I even was published on TabataTimes yesterday for a short random musings […]

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The Ups and Downs of a PR

by ~jenniferlynn on May 14, 2013

in CrossFit

There is always a bit of friendly competition that goes on within my Crossfit box. First and foremost, you are always competing with yourself. With each workout, you can notice progress from how you performed the time before or how you feel afterwards. If you repeat a WOD, you strive to go heavier, or faster, […]

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