Nike Bionic Free and the FinishLine Women’s Community

by ~jenniferlynn on June 26, 2013

in Sponsored Posts

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post by the Finish Line Women’s Community; I received a pair of Nike Bionic Frees at no cost to me, but all opinions and thoughts expressed are my own.

Since I started blogging, I have been extremely fortunate to fitness communities online for a number of reasons, all very different yet important in each of their own ways.


While I have been a self-starter in my health and fitness journey, it is great to be able to share what I have done with others in the hopes to encourage and inspire others. By posting goals online, as well as talking about the choices I make when it comes to working out or eating, I feel a sense of responsibility in keeping up with what I am doing, not only for me but for my readers.


Through the online communities of Sweat Pink and Girls Gone Sporty, and even via my blog comments and Twitter I have “met” so many strong, inspiring, and motivating women that help to push and encourage me.


For me, blogging started as a fun way to share my story, but it has expanded into somewhat of a mini-business. I did not know that there is so much marketing involved in blogging, and it can be so much more than just an online journal! I have had so many amazing product review opportunities and chances to work with some great companies.

So when I was recruited to help promote the Finish Line Women’s Community and offered a pair of shoes to take for a test run, I did not even hesitate to say yes!

finish line women's community

I have been wearing my inov8s from TheClymb for both running and Crossfit, but put them back on the shelf while I took my new shoes to Crossfit, since these are marketed as a cross-training shoe.

nike bionic free

My initial reaction to the pair I was sent was that they were super bright! It was a big step buying my purple Inov8s since I typically stick to neutral colors, so bright pinky orange was a major adjustment for me! I did later find out they do come in three different color patterns, so likely you can find a style that is fitting to your personality.

nike free bionic colors

I channeled the attitude of a fellow Crossfitter at my box who says that her bright orange Nikes make her WOD harder and faster, so of course, I had to think the same with these! I tried them on and found them extremely light and comfortable, with a very similar feel to my beloved inov8s. My prior lifting/cross-training shoe were Merrell Barefoots, so I have become accustomed to the light, minimalist feel and these shoes fell closely behind that category.


These shoes were a great addition to my gym bag and for rotating with my current shoes. I wore them for a WOD with running, box jumps, burpees, and sit-ups. I wore them for front squats, and I wore them for deadlifts. I wore them for bench presses (and PRed!) and overhead presses; sled pushes and sprints. I wore them for Barbara, Diane, Grace, and Isabel, and even in post-WOD practices.

I will absolutely keep these shoes in the rotation for Crossfit workouts; but even though I loved them for most Crossfit things, I was not a fan of running any sort of distance in them, outside of short sprints. However, for everything else, they get a big seal of approval!

nike bionic free running

To help spread the word about the Nike Bionic Frees, the FinishLine Women’s Community on Facebook wants to encourage you sign up and add your Twitter or Instagram handles to your profile. Once you do that, post on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #FNLTRAINFREE; through the end of June (hurry, it’s not too late!), three lucky participants using the hashtag will win their own pair! So really, go now!


Be sure to check out their Facebook page and join the online discussions each month for a chance to connect with other fitness-minded ladies!

Your turn..
Are you a part of any online health or fitness networks?
What is your favorite part about these networks?
Do you use a minimalist cross-training shoe?

Twitter: bluetamarai
June 27, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Those are so cute! I belong to a private trainer’s forum as well as to some blogging networks and some groups on FB. I love the support, friendship, and ability to share inspiration and ideas.
Tamara recently posted..Link Love #3: Self-AcceptanceMy Profile

Renee @BendifulBlog July 5, 2013 at 11:56 am

Those shoes are super cute! I adore popsugar Fitness and of course my GGS and FF families. Always motivating and thought provoking.

AND you are my go to gal for advice! I love your blog and your attitude 🙂

I’ve met so many amazing friends through my networks I can’t even tell you how excited I am to be part of the family.

🙂 I also know for a “fact” new shoes make you run faster….always you can quote me!
Renee @BendifulBlog recently posted..The 4th with family and fitnessMy Profile

Jennie September 20, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Would these be good for BodyAttack? I’m trying to find a pair of lightweight cross trainers that don’t slip and that I can put my (soft/foam) orthotic insoles in. By the way, are the insoles of these trainers removable or will I have to go half a size up to fit my orthotics?

~jenniferlynn September 20, 2013 at 7:03 pm

They should work! They are really light too. And the insoles do come out!

The only issue I had with these lately is it hurts jumproping if you whip your toes!

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