To keep things interesting during my Saturday morning Crossfit Endurance classes, this week our Coach opted to send us out on a trail run. This was something very new and different to me, but I have heard countless runners (and those who dislike running) say that there is nothing comparable to trail running. I had no choice but to figure it out for myself!
We started the trek as a group of eight or so; with three of us being in what I would call an average group, and the others being much more advanced runners. We all kept the same pace for about a mile, then the speedsters went off ahead of us while we continued the trail. It was a bit of an annoying experience at first, running in tall grass with a trail only as wide as your two feet and swarms of who knows what kind of bugs nipping at your legs and arms. It was also a bit frustrating having to run up hills. I swear, the majority of this course was uphill (I know logically that does not make too much sense, but the uphills were much steeper than the downhills!).
But then after the second mile, I reached some sort of peace in the run, soaking up the sun and the nature that surrounded me. However, even though mentally I was at a place where I was almost comfortable, the heat and humidity, coupled with the weeds, bugs, and hills made breathing and keeping a constant pace a bit difficult. I took many more walk breaks than I like to admit, but for being a new experience I have nothing but pride in my run.

Wasn’t in much of a picture-taking mood at the time but did snag this one; it was quite humid and hazy..
We slower runners ended up getting “lost” on the trail and went off course a slight bit, but made it back safely. My Runkeeper counted 4.4 miles; a fellow runner mapped 5.1 miles with MapMyRun, so the actual distance is really indeterminate. Regardless of the distance, it was a good hour of pushing me out of my comfort zone and almost enjoying the moment!
One takeaway I did learn from this experience is that if you are doing trail running, wear long pants or at least wear some knee highs! With the tall weeds on the trail and the huge potential for shin splints with all of the hills, I am so thankful that I chose to wear my Lunatik Athletiks compression socks. I had heard my Canadian friend, Dawn, rave about the Canadian company many times on her own blog, so I was excited when I had an opportunity to try them out for myself. I chose their Rockin’ Dots socks because I loved the color scheme and thought it could match well with my purple shoes. 😉
From their site,
Our graduate compression socks are CE, FDA and GMP certified for quality assurance. Features include; 20-30mm-Hg of compression, improved athletic performance and endurance by reducing muscle vibration, graduated compression reduces the build up of lactic acid, helps the muscle recover faster, provides relief from feeling tired and aching legs, improves blood circulation, prevents injuries. In addition to performance technology, our compression sock come in rockin’ styles and colours.
Who wouldn’t love fun colors (colours to you Canadian folk) and styles? Plus the added benefits of compression gear including reducing buildup of lactic acid and improving blood circulation!
In addition to just looking cute and being functional, these socks are easy to put on, unlike some other compression socks. However, once on they fit quite snugly. I believe I have larger calves than some other running folk, but these fit quite well without having any weird stretched out marks on the designs. I loved that the toe part also fit well to my feet, without having any excess material that could chafe while running.
Overall, I am quite happy with Lunatik Athletiks based on comfort, fit, and style! Some other styles of compression socks for women are below.
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In addition to the options above, they also carry more designs of compression socks and sleeves for men and women, as well as skirts with built-in compression shorts! And.. to make them even better, they have offered to give one of my awesome readers his or her own pair of socks or sleeves!!
To find out more, you can visit their website or check them out on Facebook or Twitter!
Your turn..
What are your thoughts on trail running vs. pavement running?
What is your favorite brand of compression socks?
Do you think fun socks help you PR?
Disclaimer: Lunatik Athletiks sent me a pair of compression socks at no cost to me in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are absolutely my own and I promise you will love these as much as I do!
I love the Vibrance Mauve/Purple Diamond socks
Trail running is very different from road running! You have to be on the lookout for rocks, roots, critters, etc., but your body takes less pounding than it does on pavement. Of the marathons I’ve done, my body tolerated the trail marathon better than any road marathon I’ve done.
I’ve experimented with compression socks for my long distance runs and for recovery. They’re great for recovery, and great for long air travel. I haven’t made up my mind about wearing them for my long runs yet — sometimes I like them, sometimes I don’t…..I guess it depends on the day.
But those compression socks are super-cute!
NJ Paleo recently posted..Woodcliff Lake 10K — race 1
BTW I like the rockin dots ones too!
NJ Paleo recently posted..Woodcliff Lake 10K — race 1
Twitter: detroithealthy
July 17, 2013 at 9:40 am
I love trail running! It’s nice to connect with nature every once and a while! I’d actually love to run a trail half marathon sometime!!
And I want the HOT ROCKIN DOTS compression socks!! They’re B-E-A-UTIFUL!
Brittany V recently posted..Paleo Farmer’s Market Crock-Pot Soup, WIAW #20
I love the Vibrance Mauve/Purple Diamond socks.
Twitter: inmyheadspace
July 17, 2013 at 9:45 am
Yay for your first trail run! I see runners every now and then when I am hiking and silently cheer them on as they fly past us. Even in a hike, the first mile can be work but once I get into mile two, I don’t notice the hills as much. The bug on the other hand…. We have brought home ticks on my hikes this year then in the past. They seem to be more prominent this year for some reason.
I have never tried compression socks. Although there were a few times that I wish I had them on hand! The argyle ones are super cute!
I just love all the happy and inspiring colors so I don’t have a favorite. I think the bright colors and patterns are exciting to keep you going!
I love the Nirvana socks – soooo cute!!!
Lori B recently posted..New Online Trainer & Injury Update
love the Nirvana socks, and the Supersonic sleeves. Thanks for sharing about the company…time to SHOP!
I like either the Vibrance or the Electric Rainbow. These socks are so fun! My favorite way to recover is with chocolate milk and then roll my legs with “the stick”.
Leah F. recently posted..Wednesday-ESSIE nail polish
I am kind of liking the Nirvana compression socks. CUTE colors they have on all their socks. NICE.
Twitter: bluetamarai
July 17, 2013 at 10:26 am
Those are so cute! I just reviewed socks on my blog yesterday, randomly. I’ve never tried compression socks, but I’ve been wanting to for a long time! I’ve also never done trail running (aside from during the Warrior Dash… which totally counts, now that I think about it!). I liked it, other than the dust the other runners kicked up. I think in general I prefer running in the neighborhood, but I wouldn’t mind trying a more typical trail running experience, too.
Tamara recently posted..Review: Feetures!
Twitter: bluetamarai
July 17, 2013 at 10:28 am
Oops, forgot to say which ones I’d like: Nirvana, for sure. 🙂
Tamara recently posted..Review: Feetures!
I would love the super sonic sleeves.. and recover….what’s that mean?? 😉
I like the Velocious Men’s Compression Socks in yellow, tourqoise and black. I like to recover with a protein drink, stretching and a massage!
I live the pink argyle socks!!! I always drink a glass of chocolate milk after a run and ice my legs down, no matter the distance.
Twitter: mast2mar
July 17, 2013 at 11:10 am
Love the neon Nirvana ones! And my favorite way to recover is with compression socks and stretching!
Nicole recently posted..Olay Fresh Effects {BB Cream}
I am in LOVE with the Supersonic sleeves!!
I LOVE the Hot Rocking Dots! Those are SO cute! 🙂
I love to recover after a run with some good stretching, compression, and lots of hydration 🙂
Hot Rockin Dots, of course! Hmmm, recovery – probably elevating my legs. I haven’t tried compression socks or a roller yet but will when I get into higher mileage again.
Cynthia recently posted..Random ABC Facts About Me
Twitter: MRScrashmattb
July 17, 2013 at 11:51 am
I would love the Hot Rockin’ Dots and Vibrance socks!!!
JILL @MRScrashmattb recently posted..Training Recap: July Week 2
I HATE trail running! I fell in a trail race a couple of years ago and really banged myself up. I was out of commission for a while and had a not so fun ER visit. I have several brands of compression socks, but prefer Zensah or Pro Compression.
so cute! running is not my fav but I may need to give it a try with these socks!
I love the Hot Rockin Dots!!!!
Compression socks are all new to me so after googling, I found CEP
But I am in love with these funky colors!!
Nancy Mae recently posted..If I had wings I would fly … let me contemplate
These are so cute! I wonder if they would help the issue that I have with my feet falling asleep whenever i work out….
Umm….I can’t pick just one favorite – I like all the socks – such fun colors and patterns.
I need to start wearing these a lot more with my super long runs and after!
Kim recently posted..Keeping Cool
WOW these are FUN! I’ve never seen them before but I’m always a fan of bright and NEON! Trail running is rough on the legs. I used to come home with bruises from twigs and grass stains. Not my favorite way to run, I try to stick to the road now or a flat well maintained run trail.
My favorite way to recover is with a HUGE bottle of Water and maybe some TV depending on the time of day. I only own one pair of compression socks and they are never clean 😛
Renee @BendifulBlog recently posted..My name is Renee and …..
Twitter: BodyByEmmy
July 17, 2013 at 1:31 pm
I’m itching to try compression socks, I think they’d help my runs. I like the Energetic Argyle.
Emmy recently posted..Inspiration from Michelle
I am a pavement runner. I am a clutz by nature and trail running scares me to death. I’m sure that I would break, twist, or cut some part of my body. I have been wanting to try compression socks and just haven’t yet. I love the bright fun colors. Anything I can do to embarrass my kids is a plus.
Love these socks! While I know they are running socks they are a decent height for deadlifts to prevent blood from getting on the bar haha. Always looking for fun but functional apparel!
Cori recently posted..Partner Exercises – Great workout to do as a couple (or with friends!)
Absolutely!! I frequently rock compression socks to WOD or for deadlift/rope climb days!
I’d go with the Tourqoise/Yellow/Black Edge Compression socks!
Cecil @ Dreadmill Drummer recently posted..Road ID Winner!!!
Um… I’ve never used compression socks before, but I’ve been thinking about them for CrossFit lately (I don’t really run outside of a WOD these days). I’ve had some mild, mysterious lower-leg tenderness lately, and I think compression socks might help a little. Those argyle ones are super-cute!
Thanks for your awesome comments on my blog, by the way! This is my first visit to your blog and I like how you write. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Twitter: acurls
July 17, 2013 at 4:19 pm
Great work on the trail run! I am afraid of them because of the tripping hazard. I tried once and freaked out. I was running so slow and careful that it just wasn’t a productive run. I’d like to try again someday, though. I know a lot of runners who have been to some amazing places because they run trails!!
(Cute socks)
Alicia recently posted..race recap: the color run 5k
Tough call! I’d go with the Nirvana socks…the skirts are cute as heck! I recover mainly by a hot shower followed by a cold shower and wearing compression gear, and eating healthy. The hardest part is thinking you “deserve” junk food after a long run. It is tough to turn that part of your brain off.
Theresa recently posted..Energy Bits Ambassador and Coupon Code
Trail running is one thing I’ll never grow tired of. I get bored running the same routes all the time, but I’ve yet to get bored of running the same trails over and over again. I’m lucky to be surrounded on all sides by gorgeous trails and nature reserves, it’s the greatest experience. What’s not so great is the uneven terrain=injury central for klutz’s like myself, running into and inhaling countless cobwebs and bugs, spotting not-so-fun leftovers from coyote’s bunny dinner, and snakes (ew!!!). BUT despite all that, I keep heading back because it’s fun, pretty, keeps you on your toes, can be a nice challenge if you make it one or an easy jaunt through the trees, you see things you never would out in the city like deer and baby bunnies, chipmunks, turtles, wild turkeys…it’s grand!
As for those socks, how adorable are those patterns?! I love it!!!!!
I love the argyle socks!!! I’ve never trail run, just gone hiking. I should see what there is around here while the weather is nice!
Cindy recently posted..Run club- first day jitters
I LoveThe Energetic Argyle
Megan @mnmspecial recently posted..Reading Glasses and Technology Collide
Love the Rockin Dots! I recover with wall legs and compression socks. And a smoothie!
Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More recently posted..Just Keep Moving
Twitter: JackiRHayes
July 18, 2013 at 9:51 am
I would love the energetic argyle socks. Their seriously on my wish list.
Jacki recently posted..Who The Hell Am I?
Twitter: barefootcolo
July 18, 2013 at 10:36 am
My favorite way to recover is foam rolling and EATING!
Marissa @ Barefoot Colorado recently posted..It’s a beautiful ride
I LOVE the nirvana socks!
Lauren recently posted..How much is too much for a race?
I’ve been thinking about trying compression socks for my running but haven’t got a pair yet. The Velocious-men would look great with my yellow Nike Free Run.
I think the atmosphere of trail vs road running is totally different, but I really enjoy both. Trail running tends to be much more relaxed.
EB @ running on E recently posted..Goal setting: Marathon Goals
I know I’m boring, but I like black so that way I can change it up with different shirts….my way to recover is an iced tea and a Butterfinger candy bar
Love the Energetic Argyle
I LOVE all those vibrant colors. They’re all so funky and fun.
Michelle @laceandrace recently posted..Connecting with the Greater Community
I like the Hot Rockin’ Dots! My favorite way to recover is with compression or to take a dip in the lake.
I have a pair and ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!! I really NEED another pair.
I love the Orange/grey/maroon diamond ones Best, but all of them are super energetic and fun!
Big fan of their socks. Love all the color and design options.
I hate running but you make me do it anyway. :p i did however knock 2 seconds off my suicide sprints yeterday……on the last two rounds. Why i got faster at the end who knows. lol
I like the Electric socks and the ones you bought. sz L
I like the Velocious Men’s Compression Socks. My favorite way to recover is with an ice pack on whatever’s sore or tight.
I like the energetic argyle.
I love the neon orange argyle socks!!
Carrie H recently posted..Pro Compression Review and Giveaway!!!
Love Rockin’ Dots & Hot Rockin’ Dots!
A runner can never have enough socks. I love the colors 🙂 I hate how run apps are all different 🙁
Twitter: alex_j_meyer
July 19, 2013 at 4:58 pm
Although I think ProCompression compress better, Lunatik wins cause they’re so fun! I love the patterns. Also, trail running = the bomb. You never know what’s coming up!
Alex @ Alex Tries it Out recently posted..Happy Runniversary … to Me!
I love the Electric Rainbow compression socks, super cute and colorful.
My favorite way to recover is to enjoy a protein shake and chase around my 2 year old, hehehe.
I want everything on their website! But especially the grey/pink polka dot compression socks.
Love the Energetic Argyle! They’re all super cute & fun though! Love to recover with stretching & foam rolling.
So many great choices, but I really like the pink argyle socks!
I LOVE trail running! I could go for hours as long as I didn’t trip and land flat on my face! I’ve never tried compression socks before, and the bright blue and green ones are calling to me to be tried. As far as recovery, an ice pack and glass of chocolate milk are my favorite recovery buddies. Thanks for the giveaway!
Emily @SinfulNutrition recently posted..Fabulous Fridays: Stonyfield Farm with Blog & Tweet NH
I’m definitely loving the blue and yellow socks – they look so neon and fun! Currently, I don’t use compression socks to recover but I’ve been wanting to try them 🙂 I usually recover with foam rolling and a protein shake – and it’s working so far!
Jackie recently posted..Banana-Walnut Baked Oatmeal
I love the SuperSonic compression sleeves! I like to recover from a run with a protein shake, a cold shower & the foam roller!
Love the Energetic Argyle compression socks!
Cassie recently posted..PRO Compression HUGE Summer Sale!!
I am loving the “hot rockin dots”!
Kim @ Fabulous Fit Foodie recently posted..Pro Compression Socks Giveaway!
I love trail running! I get all stressed out about cars when I run on the road (no sidewalks near me).
kristen@goodngoodforya recently posted..Suck it up cupcake
Twitter: NattieRuns
July 23, 2013 at 1:28 pm
I like the rockin’ dots.
Natalie recently posted..Marathon Training – Week 4
I’ve been dying to try these! So cute!
Rockin Dots are my favorite, and I stretch for recovery.
they are all cute!
I love compression socks! The nirvana ones might be my favorite.
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, & Beers recently posted..Recipe: Tuscan Bread
Twitter: itsaharleyylife
July 24, 2013 at 8:49 am
love the hot running socks!
I love the argyle ones (actually all of them because of the bright and fun colors)!
I love trail running. I feel like I get a better workout and enjoy my runs more. I don’t know where you are in Michigan but if you’re ever by Holly, Holly Recreation Area has some fun trails to run. 🙂 I went there all the time last year.
Twitter: crantina
July 24, 2013 at 8:41 pm
oh I LOVE the SUPERSONIC!!!! recovery means a choc milk, stretches, sometimes wearing some compression sox and coconut water!
Tina G recently posted..Sinister 7 countdown….
Twitter: sasquatch42
July 24, 2013 at 10:05 pm
I just found my love of trail running. time just flies by on the trail. love it. except spiders. Lol. I use swiftwick compression right now. And colors always make you faster right?
Geoffrey recently posted..Psycho Wyco Psummer Run Toto Run 2013 Race Recap
I LOVE Velocious!!!!
Twitter: rifflewader
July 26, 2013 at 11:26 am
The Velocious-men popped out at me. I love the look and would wear proudly.
The Hot Rocking Dots socks are super cute!! I love taking ice baths right before my rest days. I think I’m one of the few people who actually enjoy being turned into a human icicle, but the next day it makes you feel like a whole new person!
I LOVE trail running. I’m not a fan of nature, so it’s a bit weird. But I love it. It’s hard, and challenging and amazing.
I am a fan of all the designs of the compression socks, but I’d go with Rockin Dots.
Cassie B recently posted..The one where I became an Island Boost Ambassador!
Twitter: marmaone1
July 26, 2013 at 2:55 pm
I want them all – those are adorable! And I love trail running!! I’m getting into it more and more.
Mar @ Mar on the Run! recently posted..What’s In Your Fridge?
I haven’t been trail running in about 1yr 1/2, but I really do love it. If I go someone has to be with me for safety issues, but haven’t found anyone to go with me yet:(
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