I have seen a trend lately in my healthy blogger life about women who just can’t get it figured out.. and I don’t understand it. These are women who work out consistently, and have tried the paleo diet, or cutting out processed foods, and probably a number of other diets. Maybe because I have never had a problem with my weight (thank you, Dad’s genes), so I cannot really empathize with those who struggle there. But as far as finding out what works best for people, I do not know why it is so hard to just find a balance.
I have not always lived a clean and healthy lifestyle, but like everything else – it is a process. I am up 15lbs since I started lifting about 15 months ago, and I’m okay if I gain a few more. It was a journey to get to where I am today as far as my eating habits, but maybe it takes longer for it to just “click” for some people. I thought it would be fun to share my history of how my eating habits have evolved into where they are at today.
The Meat and Potatoes Period (1982-2004)
As a kid, my mother always had dinner on the table ready for when my dad got home from work. We always sat at the dinner table as a family and ate dinner and we each would talk about our day. My brother would provide some sort of useless triva facts, I would talk about the latest test I got an “A” on; my sisters would talk about whatever it is they were doing at the time. Dinner always had some form meat, with a side of potatoes (fries, mashed, boiled, scalloped), some veggie (which they never made me eat), and then bread or rolls.
For school lunches, I remember Mom used to make us a lot of sandwiches. Always cut into cute little shapes, and corners cut off. Once I got a bit older, I was able to make my food decisions, and often got hot lunch in the cafeteria in high school. Notable meals were chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes, french fries and nacho cheese, and pepperoni rolls. My friends and I would often go to a local diner where my favorite “meal” was a salad (healthy, you know, smothered in Ranch), and a side of hash browns.
The Grown-Up Period (2004-2012)
Once I moved out of my parents’ house at the ripe age of 22, it was time to get serious about food. My mom never taught me the way around the kitchen, so I was on my own to feed me and my other half at that time. We worked different shifts, so I only had to plan for myself so variety and creativity was not really considered. I perfected a chicken and pasta recipe and would eat this about 4-5x a week (Super secret recipe: olive oil and garlic, lots of mozzarella). I would stock up on pasta when it went on sale for $1 a box and it would last me maybe three meals. When I wasn’t feeling the fancy chicken and pasta, I’d dine on Macaroni ‘n Cheese or Ramen Noodles.
Growing up, we always ate a lot of cereal, and I continued that into my adult years. Cereal was a perfect treat for breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, bedtime snack, whatever! (Side note.. my mother’s pantry is still stocked like she has 4 kids living at home; it is just her and my 22-year-old sister).
At one of my jobs, I would eat at the cafeteria quite frequently and get hash browns smothered in cheese for breakfast; for lunches, we would often go to Wendy’s or Einstein Bagel’s (Cheesy-Garlic-Pizza-Bagel.. YUM!!!).
When I started a new job working in Downtown Detroit, it was not as easy to run to McDonalds or Wendy’s for lunch, so my new routine consisted of Salsarita’s and Rice Bowl. I would eat chips and queso or Chinese food 3-4x a week. On days I was not feeling like stuffing my face, I would eat Velveeta Shells and Cheese single servings. Yum.

General Tso’s Chicken from Rice Bowl. I am salivating at the moment..
The “Healthy” Age (2011-2012)
As I got a bit older, my weight still was not fluctuating, but I was training for a 5k so wanted to take some control over my health. I started to swap out my Golden Grahams and Cap’n Crunch for Special K Cereal, and cereal bars. I would eat oatmeal for breakfast (topped with gobs of brown sugar or peanut butter). The fast food was scaled back for lunches, and replaced with Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice frozen meals, with Subway as an alternate choice.
Dinner was not much different from it had been in the past. It wasn’t unusual to go to a steakhouse and eat the whole basket of bread. I’d go to Chili’s and devour tortilla chips and queso like it was going out of style. I still rarely touched vegetables other than potatoes and corn.
When I started lifting in early 2012, I loosely followed the NROLFW suggested diet, which suggested eating a lot more calories than I was used to, but still fully supported whole grains, fruits, veggies. My boyfriend of the time was playing around with paleo, and as he was doing it, it didn’t fully make much sense to me (but he was following on more what not to eat, rather than focusing on what to eat). Towards the end of the program, I played around a bit with the paleo idea and started to make small changes to eliminate most breads and pasta, but still indulged occasionally. But the physical changes from significantly reducing the gluten were eye-opening.

February, 2012 (left); June, 2012 (right)
The “Aha” Period (Late 2012-2013)
I continued heavy lifting after NROLFW and became even more engrossed in the Paleo lifestyle, yet was still only following it about 75%. I could never give up oatmeal and cereal and pasta and bread baskets. I completed a Whole30 (probably the strictest form of a paleo challenge you can do) in September which was a big eye-opener as far as checking labels and learning about your body. I had zero cheats, not even using protein powder or taking my vitamins that had some unapproved ingredient. I learned that eating paleo was more than just cutting out grains, dairy, and sugar. It was embracing a lifestyle change eating foods that make you feel good and not eating foods that don’t!
Immediately after, I went back to my 75/25 life, eating a considerable amount of food, yet splurging on wine and cheese. Often. However, eating dinners home became the norm. The Whole30 life exposed me to so many new recipes and ways of eating.
In November, I started Crossfit 2x a week and heard the whole paleo talk all over again, so considered tightening it up a bit more, meal prepping and planning and packing lunches everyday in my “lunch suitcase” as it has been called.
Since the beginning of 2013 up until very recently, I had been eating fairly strict paleo Monday thru Friday (with the exception of plain Fage Greek Yogurt and protein shakes), and then letting myself have whatever I want on the weekends; cheese, wine, pancakes, buns, whatever! This post gives a good summary of my eating habits three months ago.
But then I had a Crossfit competition and made a conscious effort to go a full week leading up to it without any cheats on the weekend, and completely eliminating dairy and wine. After the competition, I had one glass of wine, and in two months since it, I have had only two more glasses at a “Crossfit Prom” event that we had.

Crossfit BFFS <3
From a glass of wine nearly every night to less than one a month, it is an adjustment I never thought would happen. I replaced nightly wine with broccoli.. hehe. Seriously, I cook up a pound or so and could easily devour it all; it is something I have not been able to prep ahead as I eat the whole batch! In the past year, I’ve added sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash, broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, and cauliflower to my diet. You could never get me to to eat those before!
The Monday – Friday strict works for me quite well, but the more I do it and the more competitive I try to be at Crossfit, the less I want to cheat on the weekends. So typically, it’s one or two cheat meals but not a whole cheat weekend as I may have done in the past. The only thing I take that I would not consider “clean” during the week is protein powder, and occasionally, a pre-workout.
“Eat All the Things” Phase
As of two weeks ago, I have started to become obsessed with Eat to Perform. I am still continuing to tweak my diet but the logic behind this concept makes so much sense to me. I want to become a better Crossfitter. I want better endurance and I want to lift heavier. Hit PRs, crush WODs, not come in last..
The basis is eat clean, but for your performance goals, not aesthetic goals. By eating for optimal performance, your body will become more efficient and gain or maintain muscle, while burning fat, leading to an ideal body image. They clearly state this may not be 10% bodyfat for everyone; it may be 20% bodyfat or whatever. You may gain weight; you may lose weight. But you will be at your strongest, and your body will adjust and morph into the body shape that is ideal for you, and likely become a fat burning machine.
If you want to lift heavy or do Crossfit, paleo may work for many but most do not consume enough carbs, and even more do not get enough overall calories (as an example, I’m at a 2400 daily calorie goal on my 5’7″, 133# self). ETP somewhat combines Carb Back Loading with common sense on how to fuel your workouts and maximize recovery. I have started to add rice back into my diet after a hard workout, and I feel better already. I’ll write-up some more as I continue to experiment with myself, but I finally think I am at a sustainable phase that fits perfectly with my clean-eating lifestyle without being very restrictive. And there are proven results from the program.
My point of this long post is that you need to keep adapting and making changes until you find that sweet spot that works for you. I cannot find the quote, but there is something along the lines of what you put into your body will either make you healthier or unhealthier. Think about it. There is a true correlation between making smart food choices and athletic performance or body composition. If you choose to indulge often, I can understand that. “Everything in moderation”, or ” I cannot be happy without..”
But do not tell me in the same breath that you are trying to lose weight or your workouts are suffering. When you are ready for the change, you, too, will adapt and begin to eat for your goals. Do not diet; but make changes for a better lifestyle.
Your turn..
Is there a food you think you would never be able to give up?
Do you follow a diet, or a lifestyle?
Do you think a healthy lifestyle has to be an all or nothing approach?
Twitter: JackiRHayes
June 20, 2013 at 2:57 pm
Great post! It really is so important for people to realize they have to experiment to find what works best for them and that it will change as they change (goals, lifestyle, age, etc).
Jacki recently posted..Entering Week 3 of Whole30
For sure.. I juts cringe though when I hear people complain about not being able to meet their goals, but they will not make any sacrifices to do anything differently!
Twitter: fantabulouslisa
June 20, 2013 at 2:58 pm
My food that I never thought I could give up: greek yogurt with honey! But after doing the 21-day sugar detox and the whole30, I simply fell out of the habit. Crazy, i know…
I usually eat paleo (about 75% of the time, let’s be honest). And I have recently decided to attempt zone. Though I am too intimated to start it yet…
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be all or nothing, different approaches work for different people. And since everyone has different goals there is really no formula to “be the best you can”. I know that I particularly do best without dairy in my diet….sorry greek yogurt, I miss you but we’re better off apart. lol
Lisa recently posted..Baconnaise & Wheel Bugs
I agree with a lot of that, Lisa!
And it’s funny about how you don’t miss things you loved.. like I have a bag of shredded cheese and a bottle of wine in my fridge with only one glass gone.. sitting there.. for a couple months.. like some sort of security blanket lol yet I have no desire for either!
Have you read about Eat to Perform? I think it sounds much more fun than Zone.. but you can Zone it, or do it Paleo.. they don’t like rules or calorie counting, but said it’s good to do it in the beginning to get you to understand the quantities of food you need to eat. I think you’re already good there based on your food pics. 🙂
But then they say not to deprive yourself of things.. and sometimes having that ice cream before bedtime is perfectly okay!
It’s funny, one of the guys at my box is a chiropractor and did some work at Central East for the athletes (except Froning, as he brought his own chiro). He was commenting on Froning’s diet (I think he lives off peanut butter and chocolate milk), and is like how do you tell the fittest man in the world that his diet is garbage? But it works for him!
Is there a food you think you would never be able to give up?
– I used to think this… but hey those English Muffins are gone! Sugar is everywhere and in everything it seems, so it’s hard to not get that once in a while
Do you follow a diet, or a lifestyle?
– I’m eating cleanly and watching my intake using Weight Watchers. I don’t really think of it as a diet, because you can have as much good for you food as you want – veggies, fruits – So i can use my daily points for Protein and healthy fats. So far i’m not hungry. I’m really working at the “Actual Hunger” vs. “Emotional hunger” difference at this point, so that is my new challenge. Not eating when I am not hungry.
Do you think a healthy lifestyle has to be an all or nothing approach?
I think baby steps work best for people. Start by simply tracking your intake. Then cut out fast food, for instance. I think if you go from doing and eating whatever you want to full on restriction you are going to set yourself up to fail. but that’s just my opinion based on evidence of my history.
Bethany, I absolutely love English Muffins.. I think the brand is Thomas’s? White package, red writing.. smothered in butter.. delicious.. but it’s awesome that you cut them out, and I bet you never thought you could do it! You rae definitely working on what is working best for you.. baby steps are better than no steps!
I think something a lot of people struggle with too, (and not calling you out..), is when they eat something junky, then they feel all guilty about it. A friend on the NROLFW forum puts it perfectly – don’t think of them as a cheat meal; think of it as a celebration meal. You work hard, you eat clean, so have a treat once in awhile and move on!
I know you are still on the road to figuring it all out, but look back three months and see how much further you are already!
It’s totally a journey trying to figure out what works food-wise, exercise-wise, anything really! 2 years ago I was eating the conventional wisdom healthy diet (you know, lowfat dairy, whole grains, etc.) and I was ravenous all the time and marathon training. Now I’m happily paleo and marathon training and have to adjust my carbs as needed. My friends at work and I were talking today about how my body has changed since I went paleo and then again after I started heavy lifting. Now it’s changing again as I go thru marathon training.
But I definitely look at food differently now. I look at something and think, is that going to make me feel good later or is it going to make me crash and burn? Sometimes I choose to indulge in something though I know I’ll crash and burn later…..but it’s my choice. No longer am I wondering why I am fluffy (bloated) and hungry all the time — I know that when I indulge, I get fluffy and hungry. When I am strictly paleo, I feel energized and steady. I used to swear that I would NEVER give up pasta and oatmeal…..and now I never crave them at all. But I don’t think I’ll give up the wine……never say never, right?
I am interested in checking out the “Eat to Perform” — I’ve never heard of it.
BTW you’ve come a long way from Froot Loops to a whole bunch of broccoli!
NJ Paleo recently posted..Idaho! Not just potatoes anymore….
Laura, you do so much, I bet it takes a while to figure out how to balance the food part! I can only imagine how tough it is to eat strictly paleo during marathon training. Just massive amounts of sweet potatoes? Or do you add in other starches?
But I am right with you on choosing to indulge, knowing how it will make you feel after. A few weekends ago I went to visit my sister (2 1/2 hours away) with my other sis. They wanted Chinese food. I LOVE Chinese food and it has been probably a good 6 months since I had any.
The three of us split one order of Orange Chicken. It was good, but not the good feeling you get from eating wholesome foods.. half an hour later, I crashed on my sister’s couch. I felt miserable. Comatose. Blahhh. They laughed at me.. and told me I need to build my junk food tolerance back up lol.
Then for dinner, I ate probably a pound of broccoli and some chicken. 😉 When I eat junk, I juts feel the urge to load up on good stuff afterwards.
For marathon training, I do eat sweet potatoes every day (good thing that I like them and I actually have a cookbook devoted just to sweet potato recipes), and I also rotate in winter squashes, fruits (mangoes, apples, bananas, etc.), raisins and other dried fruits, etc…… Basically if I haven’t had enough for the day my body starts craving those types of things and that’s my signal to increase my intake. I also found that once I added in an avocado every day that helped too — avocadoes have fat and carbs so I guess that combo works well for me too. The process of figuring it out wasn’t easy, that’s for sure! And I will be training pretty hard for this particular marathon so I’m sure I’ll be adjusting even more as I reach peak training weeks. Plus, I still do my WODs 3x a week and plan to continue the heavy lifting (though because of the increased running load my progress has stalled so I consider myself in maintenance mode but that’s OK — in winter training will shift again). But I feel great and it’s working so far!
I LOVE that comment that you need to build your junk food tolerance back up!!!! I know exactly what you’re talking about! I love sushi and if I have a roll instead of just sashimi an hour later I’m passed out somewhere.
NJ Paleo recently posted..Idaho! Not just potatoes anymore….
Twitter: marmaone1
June 20, 2013 at 3:42 pm
I agree, you have to experiment a little, adapt and see what works best for you. I don’t think I’ve ever dieted in the traditional sense but when I started working out more and this “fitness” thing became a true lifestyle, I adapted my eating habits. I don’t eat a lot of sweets or white flour based products and actually crave fruits more often than not. Can’t live without my morning coffee with cream and sugar though, never!! But, I live in a everything in moderation world and if I decide I want that piece of chocolate cake, I’ll eat it and don’t see anything wrong with that. I just know if that becomes the norm and I’m not active, well – you’ll gain weight 😉
Mar @ Mar on the Run! recently posted..Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-unn!
You would be amazed how good black coffee is if you find the right kind. 😉
I used to do 2 cream, 2 sugar. ALL THE TIME. Then I dropped it to 1/1. Next thing you know, I was drinking it black. Sometimes I’ll put a tbsp of coconut oil in it.. YUM.
I can’t drink all coffee black though.. I like McDonald’s coffee with 1/1 still if I get it there; same with Tim Horton’s. On the weekends, I go to my Granny’s and she brews Folger’s.. it’s weak, but I drink it black. However, at work we brew Starbucks Medium or Sumatra and it is SOOO good just straight black!! But we also have Dunkin’ Donuts brewing and I think that’s gross black..
Experiment.. 😉 You’d be surprised!
Twitter: marmaone1
June 21, 2013 at 9:34 am
I’ve tried, I like it that way 😉 now tea!! that I will drink straight up hot or iced with no sweetening.
Mar @ Mar on the Run! recently posted..Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-unn!
And love that you called it a lifestyle.. so true!
Twitter: marmaone1
June 21, 2013 at 9:35 am
VERY true! you can’t just dip your toe in. But once it becomes a way of life it just is.
Mar @ Mar on the Run! recently posted..Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-unn!
I also believe in everything in moderation. I do my best with my eating, most of the time, and do not eliminate anything completely. Lately I have thought about watching my diet more closely to see if it will help me reach my goals more quickly, but I really like sugar, haha.
Sybil, it’s funny.. once you start cutting things out you seriously STOP craving them! For me, when I have sugar/white carbs, it makes me crave more.. and more.. and it’s a vicious cycle. But if you start to eliminate them for awhile, you really won’t miss it.
I’d love to give more tips if you’re interested! 🙂
Twitter: mast2mar
June 20, 2013 at 6:08 pm
My eating patterns have evolved slightly over the years since going from living at home to going to college, taking a nutrition class etc… I’ve been tweaking my lifestyle diet (not to be confused with fad diet) to be at its best. Like you I do “cheat” once in a while, most often when I go visit family every couple of months since my normal schedule gets muffed up, lol. Otherwise I try to keep a balanced diet when I’m at home. So glad you are finding what works for you and your crossfit life!
masters2marathons recently posted..World Oceans Day Celebration at the Aquarium
I agree about cheating when you’re with family.. I do so well when I’m in a routine and have everything planned. But the minute I don’t plan.. all downhill..
Twitter: fatgirlhealthy
June 20, 2013 at 9:01 pm
I loved reading about your food evolution. It is a pretty awesome thing to see how much you have changed. It shows that anybody can go from fast food to veggies! Based on what I read, it sounds like you didn’t use food to deal with your emotions or at least you had a healthy relationship with food. It might be why this process has been great for you and such a struggle for others.
I’m one of those people who have a screwed up relationship with food. The word “moderation” is lost on me. I have issues with portion control and have a past that includes binge eating. The great thing is that I’m learning to appreciate healthy foods and have thrown the word “diet” out the window. Learning how to eat all over again as a thirty something is not a easy task but it has been a wonderful evolution. I love defining what healthy means to me. I may always struggle with maintaining a healthy relationship with food but I’m okay with that.
Mandy @ fatgirlgonehealthy recently posted..Sugar Withdrawals
Correct; I never had an issue with emotional eating.. but do witness it so much with so many people.. and I guess I never can fully understand it. In my mind, if it makes you feel good, eat it. If it doesn’t, don’t. Like why would there be any other option?
But as with any other vice, different people are different.
I think Crossfit will be so beneficial as far as helping you with the emotional eating part. For me, Crossfit just makes me feel SO good (you know, after the workout when you feel SO BAD lol).. and I know if I’m eating garbage, the workout is going to suck twice as much. That’s how I adopted the M-F strict; I was working out Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri so it only made sense to keep those days super clean. But now I added Saturday team WODs, so dropped Friday night pizza night.. but will still eat at my Granny’s on Saturday mornings and if it’s pancakes or french toast, I usually don’t turn it down.
I read something once upon a time about wanting to cheat on your “diet”. They said wait three days. So, say you have a jar of PB or something and REALLY want it.. let yourself have it, in three days. Likely you really didn’t WANT it at the time.. and won’t want it in three days.
For me, I notice some cravings really mean I’m lacking something in my diet. While I used to crave tortilla chips ALL THE TIME and give into it, I really don’t know what that means.. but last week I was hardcore craving broccoli. So strange, I know (I bake it in garlic powder, salt, and olive oil until it’s super crispy.. so it’s almost like chips.. kinda.. sorta..). But then talking to someone they asked if I’d been good about taking my vitamins. I had forgotten the past three days prior. And was ending my period.. so I was lacking iron. Broccoli has iron.. so my body was telling me I want it.
Maybe your PB habit is your body telling you that you need more healthy fats. Or maybe more sodium. Essential nutrients!
Twitter: KatSnF
June 21, 2013 at 6:49 am
I like to be pretty strict, too, during the week, but the weekends are the weekends for a reason! 😉
You have no idea how much I have struggled with my weight and what I eat. I love my mom to pieces, but some of the things she cooked when I was growing up were not very healthy. For instance, I grew up on a dairy farm and had to drink whole milk forever. To this day I can barely stomach milk for that reason. My hubby loves to visit my parent’s house because of all the treats they have! In college the food got me, but I was running a lot so for the most part it was okay- until I joined a sorority and stopped running 110+ miles a week. In January 2011 I weighed 165, now I weigh around 125 depending on the day. 🙂
Tasha @ Healthy Diva recently posted..3rd Edition: What I am loving
With the exception of your 1982 start date, I swear you just wrote out my food timeline. It’s eerily familiar, actually. I need to check out Eat to Perform. I follow them on Facebook but haven’t visited their website. To help with my marathon training this summer I’ve been contemplating adding brown rice into my diet the night before a long run. I won’t ever add wheat back (unless it’s an indulgence) but rice I don’t view quite as harmful.
PS – Puhlease don’t rename your blog. 😉
Gina @ Noshing on Asphalt recently posted..So This is Goodbye
I was totally kidding about renaming my blog.. 🙂
And we’re just like twinsies.. .just totally different. 😉 I really hope to meet you one day!!!
Check out the poster a few below you – NJ Paleo. She is a marathoner, too and does Crossfit and lifting.. may be a good person to follow for some inspiration!
And with Eat to Perform, they actually say choose white rice over brown (i know!); I have to finish up my organic jasmine brown rice bag then I guess i’ll try white!
I have a long list of things I’m pretty sure I could never give up – starting with wine and potato chips!!! I know that my snacks and evening cocktails sort-of negate some of my hard work but I’m pretty OK with it.
I enjoyed reading your eating history – when I first lived on my own I survived on Mac’nCheese, Ramen and Taco Bell (because it was so cheap!!).
I guess if you’re happy with wine and potato chips, enjoy! 🙂 I think that’s the biggest problem I see.. people eat the junk then go all guilty and complain it’s ruining their diets/lifestyles whatever.. I ate Qdoba today. With chips. And you know what, I enjoyed every minute. I know I’m gonna feel bloaty after.. but I worked hard all week and stuck to my plan so whatever.
You eat for your goals!
But seriously. I never thought I wouldn’t drink wine nightly!! So strange how it just went away! Though I’m going to a winery next week on vacation.. I may make up for lost time.. 😉
I’ve been experimenting with intermittent fasting, similar to Eat, Stop, Eat or the warrior diet. I limit my calories on non workout days to ONE healthy meal and on workout days (3-4 days a week) I eat plentiful. I have fast days and feast days. I’ve been noticing lots of fat loss just in two weeks and am down 3% body fat. My only concern is plateauing on weights because of the reduction in calories. I want to reach an asthetic goal first right now and then once that has been achieved I will strive for more performance, and strength goals which will surely include more eating. I too used to drink wine every night, it was my making dinner routine. That is a huge lifestyle change for me but cutting out an empty 400 cal a day will definitely make a difference in the long run!
I must agree it is a all or nothing decision when it comes to the dieting. It becomes so hard when you see foods that look tasty but you just know it isn’t right. I saw that you were eating oatmeal and sweet potatoes for some carbs and I believe these foods are a great thing to have in any diet. I love oatmeal and sweet potatoes and couldn’t live without them. When you mentioned a bit about having carbs when heavy lifting i totally agree. when i have a heavy workout and haven’t gotten as many carbs as id like i feel a bit drained and like i’m not 100% there. What are your thoughts on almonds? I think they are a great source of unsaturated fats!
I’ve been looking at Eat to Perform and it’s interesting. It seems like a lot of food but I’ve been doing CF and Paleo for over a year with no results and I’m exhausted all the time. I’m curious to know how it went for you.
Hey Mary! thanks for the comment. I am still using it today and a huge fan. A lot of people find the adjustment from paleo to ETP a major undertaking with the amount of increased food, but it’s good to start small and add things and tweak things until you find that sweet spot. These may help a little bit more!
Let me know if I can answer anything else!
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