The Ups and Downs of a PR

May 14, 2013
Thumbnail image for The Ups and Downs of a PR

There is always a bit of friendly competition that goes on within my Crossfit box. First and foremost, you are always competing with yourself. With each workout, you can notice progress from how you performed the time before or how you feel afterwards. If you repeat a WOD, you strive to go heavier, or faster, […]

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Health and Wellness Review: Natural ReCharge

May 12, 2013
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Since I started working out more seriously and eating healthier, I have never been so in tune with my body, nor have I started to pay more attention to any ailments or discomfort. Since eating cleaner, I’m more cognizant of what I am putting into my body, which makes it difficult to buy into the […]

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Lady Lifter Spotlight: Heather (Babs)!

May 9, 2013
Thumbnail image for Lady Lifter Spotlight: Heather (Babs)!

Girl-crushes. Ladies, you know you all have one. Some girl that you aspire to be like and just admire her physique and hope one day that you can grow up to be just like her. This week’s spotlight is on one of mine. When I started blogging over a year ago, one of the very […]

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Brady Bands Workout Headbands: Review and Giveaway! (contest closed)

May 8, 2013
Thumbnail image for Brady Bands Workout Headbands: Review and Giveaway! (contest closed)

Scrolling through my Twitter feed and reading multiple fitness blogs, I have seen probably ten different brands of cutesy workout headbands, with so many different styles and a variety of pitches to runners, spinners, or any other athletes. But one of these headband companies has stood out to me lately, Brady Bands. Brady Bands was named after […]

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Crossfit and Dating: Can the two co-exist?

May 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Crossfit and Dating: Can the two co-exist?

“How many of the speed dating guys emailed you so far?” my mother asked me last weekend. If you remember I briefly mentioned on the blog that I went speed dating a couple of weeks ago. Half of the time I was there, I was bummed about missing out on Deadlift Day, and as much as I tried not […]

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Lady Lifter Spotlight: Camilla!

May 2, 2013
Thumbnail image for Lady Lifter Spotlight: Camilla!

Do you ever passively stalk websites but you never feel right commenting or posting? I’ve stalked for awhile but never really piped in. I had her in my Google Reader under “Paleo Food” sites so when I was in need of a recipe, I’d skim that list, but often her content was overlooked. But […]

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Raising the Bar – Crossfit Competition!

April 30, 2013
Thumbnail image for Raising the Bar – Crossfit Competition!

Where did the weekend go?? I feel like I have neglected this blog lately and know I have been close to silent on Twitter, but now that my very first competition (other than The Open) is over, and now that I’m officially an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer I can finally start to finish up some of […]

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Lady Lifter Spotlight: Dawn!

April 25, 2013
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When I started blogging I never really understood Twitter. I’d get overwhelmed and confused by all of the RT and #hashtag and #FF and other crazy terms. But I read a lot about it being a great networking tool, so stuck with it. Thankfully I have because otherwise I would have not ever met this […]

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Pre-Crossfit Competition Jitters and Workout Struggles

April 24, 2013

Why is it so hard to take a rest day? Every week, I have been taking Wednesdays off. It’s nothing new, nothing special. It just fits in nicely with working out Monday, Tuesday (double WOD), Thursday (double WOD), Friday. But today, I’m especially struggling with taking the day off. I’m blaming it on pre-competition jitters.. Since […]

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Endorphin Warrior Training Bracelets: Product Review and Giveaway! (contest closed)

April 24, 2013
Thumbnail image for Endorphin Warrior Training Bracelets: Product Review and Giveaway! (contest closed)

Do you have a personal mantra? One of my favorite words I like to think about when I am struggling in either workouts or just when life is stressing me out is BREATHE. I mentioned this in my recent post on Fashletics Crossfit Jewelry, but it is such a great word that is just relevant in any situation. I […]

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